

发表时间: 2022-06-24   点击:

本网讯(通讯员 王黎)为进一步贯彻落实《习近平给北京大学的职工们的回信》讲话精神,开展好学好中国文化讲好中国故事实践教学活动,引导来华职工从中国乡村脱贫攻坚、乡村振兴的伟大实践中,深入地了解真实的中国,切实增强中国文化的传播力和影响力,622日上午,伟德国际victor1946组织来自巴基斯坦、坦桑尼亚、乌兹别克斯坦、埃塞俄比亚、津巴布韦等国家的职工代表前往江夏区小朱湾参加感知中国乡村振兴实践学习活动。





来自巴基斯坦的Danish表示:From quaint villages and towns to friendly locals and delicious, fresh food, uncover some of China’s hidden charms. Villagers are down to earth and usually very warm and welcoming to visitors who show a true curiosity about their lifestyle.Rural China is unique and picturesque. Rural China every dish is farm-to-table.Vegetables are seasonal and locally grown, so rest assured everything is fresh.I was inspired by the friendly local, beautiful views, farm fresh cuisines,keeping their traditional way of living, ancient architectural styles, fresh air, clear skies and most importantly peaceful and quiet.

来自津巴布韦的工商管理专业的Eliosa Chiundo表示:We went to visit a village that has implemented the policy of rural development and it was the most fascinating and real experience of actual transformation that happens when the government works very well with the local people to cultivate and bring a better standard of living to its persons. The main idea is to bring modern experiences to the people of the village and now, the investments that have been injected has pushed the local people to understand the economics of businesses and create their own traffic of income through tourism.

For me, this experience was very fascinating as a business major. I will be researching more into this ideology and policy and learn from how the China government supports these communities and adopt them to my own country as well.I feel a great sense of appreciation towards the administration for taking us to learn about it. (审稿  李琼)

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版权所有 伟德国际victor1946官网 - 1946伟德国际源自英国始于1946